Friday, January 29, 2010

Memphis Part II: Odd Times

Some thoughts, blogging takes along time so bear with me as I keep up with the blog and the road trip. We're in New Orleans now but there is plenty more to report on Memphis. Some quick notes on Memphis of  a non food nature. We met some quirky folks who showed us a cool bar. We also saw this:
The world's third largest pyramid and apparently an abandoned sports arena. Apparently Memphis is a town not short of two things, BBQ and sports venues.  

About the civil rights mueum, The e museum was very cool but there were two problems with it.One: It is at the sight of the MLK assasination which is a bit odd. They oopened a new wing which is in the building the shooter occupied. I found the exhibit to be in poor taste, they point out the shooter's view, not exactly the part of civil rights history I want to remember or celebrate. A protester sits at a table outside with signs saying "Stop worshiping the past and start living the dream". Memphis is a city with deep political and cultural history and we really enjoyed our visit.

1 comment:

  1. i like people with signs. sometimes they say something.
