Thursday, March 18, 2010

Let´s Play Catch UP

Turns out finding an internet cafe that is both fast enouph to upload pictures and has a port for Molly´s camera is a serious challange. But I have found a spot so now you can enjoy a nice lenghty post to distract you from the  doldrum that is your lives.
Oh and because of the camera cards, let´s do this in reverse chrological order. Last night we had a bit of a treat. Molly has been voulenteering the last few weeks here in Xela (ofically Quetzaltenengo) at a women´s weaving cooperative. They sell Guatemala´s famous textilles from all around the region at fair trade prices. Moly works with three woman in their office and store on a number of projects. More importantly last night we stayed past offcie hours for dinner. Marta made a wonderful stewed chicken dish featuring a salsa of cilantro, parsley, mini tomatillos (called miltomates here) and something else. Tasty or Que Rico (how rich).

I finished or eneded my Spanish classes a week ago and have taken on a new interest. Comida Tipica de Guatemala, Typical Guatemalan cooking. Molly and I bought a Cook Book which in addition to hundreds of recipes also features a thank you letter to the author from the Biltmore Hotel in Guatemala city. The letter was written more than twenty years before the book, like many things I see here, I don´t really understand. But with the help of my dictionary and a bit of common sense I did make some spactacular Huevos a la Ranchera pictured above. Fried eggs, topped with a simple salsa of tomatoes and red peppers and possibly cooked in lard. It´s not in the recipe but I thought chorizo would be a nice touch as well.

You may also notice the OJ, that´s fesh squuzed. It pains me to my core to admit this, but the oranges here are simply the best I have ever had.

Well the computer stopped cooperating but stay tuned next time for exciting tales of Xela featuring Super Goats, a pig, and chickens (And none of them are cooked!)


  1. Yo Easter is upon us and no word from you in a long time. Happy Matzah Taco to you and yours.

  2. you're the julia child of guatemala!!
